Sunday, August 23, 2015

Matthews beach, wedding celebration

getting ready for my new duty of preparing school lunches, this was a good one.  Costco teriyaki meatballs with Annie's white cheese shells.

We enjoyed spending a few hours on this Lake Washington beach with friends.

yes!  i swam out to the raft.  the other adults chatted.  i was excited about it :)  water wasn't too cold.

E's primary teachers celebrated their wedding. It was so fun.  e enjoyed watching the flower girls toss petals, the bouquet toss and cutting the cake.

Moving on

One of the last times to walk through this parking garage on our way to Pre-K.  E and 13 of his peers had a fun "moving on" ceremony.  We loved that Aunt A was here to attend with us.

Director C and teachers H and S

ratio of 3 proud adults for each 1 child

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Beach Days

Watching the rain storms here in Connecticut 
So much more intense than in Seattle ...
and so much more fun to play in!

But when it's not raining it's Beach Time!

At the Airport, ready for the trip home
So happy to see each other again after 10 day's apart!

For the whole trip click Here

Mussels, Thimbles, & Hiking

Yummy Seafood dinner at "The Place"

Rob's Mussel's ... which Ely ate all of

Thimble Island Boat tour

Hiking at Sleeping Giant

A big climb
Aunt Brooke and Ely made it to the top!
and the all the way back down to the water again with August

For the whole trip click Here

The Boy's Vacation

At the Ashcroft Company Picnic

 The boys had a blast

Ely Get's his face painted like a bunny.

and eats some ridiculously good treats with Nana
A shot of the Thomas fam

Back at the Thomas house
Ely gets to spend some time making art with Nana in her studio

The Zoo
Off to the Zoo with Nana.  
On these hot days it's nice to play in some of the sculptures that spray water.
August rides a Lion
Ely rides a Tiger
They both get to ride a Camel
A special thanks to Nana for the fun Zoo trip

Spending some time with Aunt Brooke and Cousin August
August is growing up so fast!
Brooke is great about encouraging everyone to go outside and walk, play, run, climb ... anything that gets us moving
Ely grocery shopping
so Aunt Brooke can make a special treat

For the whole trip click Here