Sunday, July 19, 2015

bucket list Rainier camping

well, we loved a camping trip (thanks Mom and Dad! who gifted this to us as R's graduation gift). 

this is the kind of picture i usually get of Rainier, where you see only a tiny little snowy mtn in the middle of the picture.  so when i got closer, i just couldn't stop.   see the next 20 photos :)

i think this was Mt. Adams beyond the front range.

how fantastic to meet our R cousins at Sunrise for a hike!  the day was hot, but we were all in good spirits.  this family is so greatl  S is on her way to Bolivia.

wildflowers and a stream in the meadow.

we reached our destination Frozen Lake

more the next day
we always eat too well on these trips.

playing catch

balancing (or not) on the log

1 comment:

  1. Yea for great photos and memories and videos! I bet E rocks karate!
