Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Christmas day 2014 part II

sweet little opinionated A.

i just document the options.

ohhh, her cool food storage room.  nevermind the bouncy mattress :)

more stockings at Aunt A's house

Grandpa gave special presents this year of coins from the year each child was born.  He is very thoughtful :)

J&M are great big cousins for E.  they performed with smiles!

next stop: Primary Children's hospital.  what a wonderful idea Aunt R had.  I'm so glad she invited us.  made our day more meaningful.  The A family shared beautiful singing and violin.  The B family shared singing, piano, smiles.  our family also- Aunt R and Uncle B sang, J played from If with all your Heart from Mendelssohn's Elijah and I somehow got through the accompaniment with 5 days of practice.  Grandpa and Uncle B played guitar while everyone, including some in the audience, sang carols.  it was really neat.

The B family always wants to end the day (no matter how full) with a game.  tonight it was Quirkle.

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