Sunday, October 12, 2014

Visiting the Point, Nana's studio, the Peabody museum, and dinner at G-Zen

Exploring "The Point" to find crabs and shiny shells

Nana's studio.  
She shows us "The beautiful oops" where Nana takes the paper and tears it and re-plasters it together to make "Happy accidents."

Her 9/11 metaphorical piece.  America's soul is still standing - she'll keep this one for the family.

Tons of supplies

We had the Peabody Museum to ourselves that afternoon.

Ely gets to see the skull of one of his favorites (T-Rex) up-close.

Quipu - One of Rob's school projects in Junior-High

To remember that Nana has a couple of favorite diners where she always orders the same thing, but more importantly, how she has befriended the wonderful women who work there.  The same way that she befriends so many with whom she crosses paths.

Late afternoon relaxing in Brooke's front room.  The boys play legos in the bay window while Gina and Rob discuss lighting possibilities for the new house.

After a yummy vegan diner an A-maz-ing vegan chocolate (avacado) mousse

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