Sunday, September 8, 2013

still partying like its summer

 stuffed cupcakes to celebrate 4 years of home ownership.

 On our amazingly productive Labor Day weekend, we stained the fence,

 and painted inside the garage!!  (some serious accomplishments)

 sweet new guy.

 Our friend A gave us blueberries that she handpicked!  We put in oatmeal.  I think E is actually saying "I love oatmeal" - its our new Saturday morning tradition, made extra special with fresh blueberries.

 K & J

 J & A

 so happy for these two.

 thank you Rob!

 he's tired of posing for pics, but I love this fried rice dish.  so easy, healthy and yummy.



  1. I'm so glad you could make it! I missed J & A and I'm sad I didn't get the chance to say hi to them!

  2. So glad I checked in for your fun photos and updates! It was a beautiful glimpse into your life.
