Saturday, July 6, 2013

fun in the sun

  We enjoy fun summer afternoons with our friends.

Eating raspberries from the garden

 Woodland Park Rose Garden

and now... the Thomas family reunion in Seattle

 morning walks on the beach

 rental house in Alki

 visit to Seattle aquarium

  school playground

 Lincoln Park

 Brooke pulls off amazing dinners! Her grilled salmon was delicious.

 Rob watering our garden makes me happy.

  Happy Birthday to Papa and Grandpa!

 gimpy cankle (swollen broken ankle = slow)


  1. Wow that looks soooo fun! except for your poor ankle. Your family makes me smile! We sure can't wait to see you guys.

  2. sooo sad!!! you still managed to get some good photos of those cute people. Hope you are surviving gimpyness. love
