Wednesday, February 13, 2013

talking is fun

He's realized that our days have patterns.  I'm normally gone to work when he wakes up, so on the weekend he said "We stay home together." it is nice to stay home together.

I bought a hymn book to play songs at our home. E spotted the book on the piano. he picked it up and brought to me in the kitchen. he was upset and said "we have to take back to the church. have to take it to the church."  i should have explained my purchase and let him see me open the package. 
its wonderful to hear what he is thinking.  I think he's so smart.


  1. wow... he already understands honesty! nice parenting... keep it up! :)

  2. I love his busyness! You are such a neat mom to make a note of his note from school. I think he is so smart too.
