Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hood Canal Labor Day weekend

It was so fun to camp with our friends the Seerys and the Kostic-Snell family.
Scarlett was lovely to entertain the boys

3 two-year olds bouncing on the air mattress

we lucked out getting a campground big enough for all 3 families

pretty Genevive

We had nice timing for a walk on the low tide beach.

Potlatch state park is named in honor of the potlatch, a gift-giving ceremony

E and I had a nice early morning walk on the beach. heard sea lions barking.

hiking Staircase - Olympic National Park

ferry Southworth to Fauntleroy

sunset over the Olympic Peninsula


  1. I love that last picture. What a great picture of the two of you!

  2. super fun! great memories. and yes. great last picture= I am glad you both like each other!

  3. What a great adventure! Remembering the great food you brought last time we went camping together, I am a little jealous that all those folks got to go with you instead. :)

  4. you all look so smiley and nice. great friends
