Sunday, September 30, 2012

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

weekend and red coming

we get to piano-sit for a few months

Tricia hosted a great garden party!

riddlelady's skills

 Tricia takes amazing photos.  she is also so great to share them in a very timely manner.  thank you!!!

everyone including 3 dogs - Margo, Missy (Moo), and Hube

Scarlett's sweet personality

belly laugh balancing
picked blackberries while waiting for the ferry. starfish in motion.

Hood Canal Labor Day weekend

It was so fun to camp with our friends the Seerys and the Kostic-Snell family.
Scarlett was lovely to entertain the boys

3 two-year olds bouncing on the air mattress

we lucked out getting a campground big enough for all 3 families

pretty Genevive

We had nice timing for a walk on the low tide beach.

Potlatch state park is named in honor of the potlatch, a gift-giving ceremony

E and I had a nice early morning walk on the beach. heard sea lions barking.

hiking Staircase - Olympic National Park

ferry Southworth to Fauntleroy

sunset over the Olympic Peninsula

Sunday, September 9, 2012

falls and farms

Ely enjoys airplanes and trains and watching construction workers at the waterfall.  We visited Snoqualimie Falls with Nana & Papa.  E got to "drive" an antique car around Remlinger Farms.