Monday, July 23, 2012

dog heaven

rest in peace Jolene May 2, 2005 - July 23, 2012.

Jolene was a great dog. we were lucky to have her in our life. She was very protective, and also so very friendly. She was, without fail, always especially excited when Rob would come home and would bring a bone and be waiting at the door with tail nubbin wagging. She loved to be around people. She adapted smoothly when we moved to Seattle and when Ely joined our lives. She was so patient with all of us. Ely loved her. He was learning to hold her leash on our walks. She loved to go for car rides and walks in the park. she loved to be at the front to lead the group and would mark the hiking trail an unbelievable number of times. She loved swimming in the water and chasing squirrels. She would lay on the floor or her bed nearby while I worked on the computer. Seven years was too short. We were fortunate to have 3 more months with her after the lymphoma diagnosis.


  1. I'm so sorry about Jolene but she was a lovely dog. You're in my thoughts!

  2. Michael says "Mom, maybe we shouldn't get a dog, because it is too sad when they go to heaven."
