Monday, July 23, 2012

dog heaven

rest in peace Jolene May 2, 2005 - July 23, 2012.

Jolene was a great dog. we were lucky to have her in our life. She was very protective, and also so very friendly. She was, without fail, always especially excited when Rob would come home and would bring a bone and be waiting at the door with tail nubbin wagging. She loved to be around people. She adapted smoothly when we moved to Seattle and when Ely joined our lives. She was so patient with all of us. Ely loved her. He was learning to hold her leash on our walks. She loved to go for car rides and walks in the park. she loved to be at the front to lead the group and would mark the hiking trail an unbelievable number of times. She loved swimming in the water and chasing squirrels. She would lay on the floor or her bed nearby while I worked on the computer. Seven years was too short. We were fortunate to have 3 more months with her after the lymphoma diagnosis.

back home

part 1: Demo siding

nice folks on Team Fan

learning to dunk chocolate chip cookies

helping water the garden. corn!

 trains on my ride

helping Daddy hammer

a few more

I should have taken a better photo of Renee.  she looks so amazing!!!  she fed us tasty vegan pizza.  I picked green beans in her garden for 45 minutes and didn't get them all.

this sneaky Miles tried to pull the rug from beneath my feet.

Aunt LaDean and Uncle Larry hosted a wonderful family reunion.  We spent several fun hours catching up with loved ones.


Huge thank you to Amy and Darren for letting us stay with you for a week.

Six years later - Red Butte Garden.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


picnic in Milcreek Canyon for the 4th of July.

this is one moment before E dumped ice water all over the table.

Amy was lovely to take some photos.

watermelon :) and yay for Tyler taking the shot!

98 degrees Farenheit

I love dry hot.  perfect for splash parks and ice cream.  unfortunately causes fires- this day there was a big one at Timpanogas Cave - where we had been the day prior.

My sisters were so nice to hang out with us.

another awesome couple.