Monday, June 25, 2012

E's 2nd birthday

Once upon a time, when I used to have some time, I found some lovely mom blogs.  I check in on them now only occasionally, but was glad I did this time because one woman posted about discovering a photo site, I'll copy here:
I found PicMonkey. It is unbelievably easy to do basic edits (cropping, resizing), to add text and to add several cool special effects. They have a new collage functionality that I love playing with.
I just spent a good part of the weekend formatting ninety some pages of a photo book, so I'm interested in anything to help make that easier and better for next time. thank you to for pointing me in this direction :)
!tickled pink, just discovered you can drag the borders to change the shapes!
I can't believe I took 40+ photos of his bday, it was just to share that time with you. 
I still think every day with him is more fun than the previous ones.

 E loved the rocking "motor(cycle)"
We visited with our friends Courtney and Eleanora.


  1. I love your friend's name! Or her daughter's, Eleanora! That was to be my daughter's name, but well some day I can tell you why we had to change it. But that was my great-grandma's name :-)

  2. Oh also, they grow sooooo fast, don't they?

  3. These photos are so wonderful. I'm so glad you captured and shared. fun for me to browse your pages after I've been absorbed and out of the loop....
