Sunday, October 30, 2011


latest reading to recommend. from Dave Ramsey’s the Total Money Makeover.

· Stanley found that the typical millionaire found infinitely more motivation from the goal of financial security that from what friends and family thought.

· Albert Einstein said “Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds”

· Most people who have made the decision to stop borrowing money have experienced something weird: ridicule.

· If the Joneses think you’re cool, you are heading the wrong way. If they think you are crazy, you are probably on track.

· Read one financial book a year.

· Eat creatively - at home.

· Put in place systems that automate smart moves, which is what a fifteen-year mortgage is.

· $250 more a month, and you will save almost $100,000 and 15 years of bondage.

1 comment:

  1. and we use to show us daily how we are getting closer and closer ... I love it!
