Tuesday, September 20, 2011

last child in the woods

by Richard Louv.  this book was dry and academic at times (so just skim those parts)
  • Find a ravine, woods, a wind break row of trees, a swamp, a pond, a vacant and overgrown lot, and go there, regularly.
  • EPA warns that indoor air pollution is the nations number one environmental threat to health, and its from 2-10x worse than outdoor air pollution. 
  • we must overcome the belief that something isn't worth doing with our kids unless we do it right.
  • rather than telling them to "be careful", encourage them to "pay attention" - which doesn't instill fear, but works against fear. 
  • playing ball in the street may or may not invoke nature, but at least its based on direct rather than simulated experience and its outdoors. 
  • calls for a movement of "hundreds of thousands of young people equipped with the vision, moral stamina and intellectual depth necessary to rebuild neighborhoods."

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