Thursday, July 28, 2011

so many things

can i remember them all... last night rob thinks he saw Ely take a step on his own. i may have seen it also tonight. at dinner he tried to put a green bean on his spoon, and then mashed the banana into the spoon and, though upside down, tried to get it to his mouth. then he tried to put the spaghetti noodles on the spoon. what can i give him that he can eat with a spoon? nana suggested baked potato. may try this weekend. at bedtime he read a book with me and then part of another one. oh, i knew there was another thing. i had icecream (peanut butter) after dinner and gave him a taste and he kept coming back for more tastes, probably 10 (tiny) bites. first time for all of these things!

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