Sunday, April 5, 2020

Adapting, flexing. at home.

 General Conference weekend. 
we were supposed to be in Utah on an awesome National Park vacation.  on the phone currently confirming flights are cancelled :( big bummer.
He built a conference fort (he and Babbity above) and we sewed masks.  He was sad because he and Grandma had been planning to make finger puppets.

running with friends on Saturday still. using face masks and 6 feet of distance.

Spring blooms

 so happy to see the white candy tuft in the spring. R's river of purple blooms also growing really well.

 we've lived here 3+ years, and this is the first time I've weeded this corner of my yard.
 folks have teddy bears in the windows for kids to go on teddy bear hunts.

 love white blossoms
Violin group lessons over zoom.

Stay Home activities

 E had some projects perfect for "Homeschool Science".  here we grew crystals.

 penstamone (on the left) from Ms. C inspired me to get out in the garden and do some weeding.  It's lame that now I can't buy mulch as the nursery is closed and I just don't feel like it's an emergency that justifies going to Home Depot.  At this point we are directed to "Stay Home, Stay Safe" through May 4.
 homeschool music, broadcast lesson from the district. he learned the Star Wars theme song.
 Growing a turtle figurine.

We were invited to a Zoom Sacrament meeting. E played Musette for a musical number.
 A Zoom family call was lovely.
Homeschool Art: we made a plaster stepping stone. (thanks Grandma for that gift from a year or two ago)

COVID 19 changes

 E studying at home.
One of E's creations
 remembering the Reflections art participation
 PE is riding/jogging to Luna Park.
now that even the Y closed.
fortunately, one of my Y instructors is hosting Zoom workouts 5 days/week!

In the early days of social distancing, we kept 6 feet distance, but still socialized.  here with our B friends on the beach.
 pileated woodpecker at Schmitz Park

At the Arboretum