Saturday, December 22, 2018


 e's doing basketball this season with the Y
 dinner with friends.

 closet envy

These are my people

 after 20 years, they downsized.
 the timing was perfect so that i could attend the Riverton City Community Christmas concert. T&J performed with the children's choir.  The music was beautiful. We all teared up when Santa took off his hat and knelt to the Baby Jesus.

 The next stop was T's recital. I also got to hear him play the organ in church on Sunday.  he's a talented young man.

 A's sweet nephews, whose parents are separating. so hard for the boys.  *I love you R*

 Mom's salad. she makes a big batch and eats it all week.
I took it to a dinner party last night, except i added cheese and a dressing with oil...
 sweet B girls came over to visit.

 Gpa got a new calling as primary chorister.  he's going to be great.
 The A family also came over to say hello!

 M played me a tune.  he's such a good cousin for E.
 we visited with M&D's friend JB. nice woman with a green thumb.

Uncle Fred RIP

driving along the viaduct for maybe the last time before it's demolished.

cleaned out the storage unit.

funerals are for the living.
so glad i went.  ty R.
yum. Aunt A pulled together the lunch. these sourdough bread bowls were amazing.

Aunt S & Uncle K drove 2 days from TX.

 what a beautiful spot.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

holidays are upon us

my first formal 5 mile trail run
Race name: 2018 Redmond Reindeer Romp
Finish time:1:00:47.5
Place:131 - 5 Mile

93 - 5 Mile - Female

 play date.  R constructed the houses for the kids to decorate.

 i volunteered at the auction.  Apres Ski.  much better experience to be behind the scenes.
E's class made this beautiful dream catcher.  P&A had the idea, facilitated the whole thing, and ended up winning the bid. "Catcher of 3rd Grade Dreams"

 love these modified Adirondack chairs.
 this Many Faces of Kindergarten was my favorite kid art.
 Wonka rehearsal
The children artists were recognized at the PTA mtg for their Reflections entries.  L, the chair, said his 2D, "Blackened Storm" was like a Jackson Pollock, and his 3D "Snail Race" was made using materials that weren't even intended for sculpture.