this was a really pretty tree at the front entry. maybe a Filbert. but it wasn't healthy. wobbly and losing leaves. we will plant more than one to "replace" it.
We loved having the R &J H family visit. hopefully next time they will stay longer than just dinner. R said he had a bond with the house as it has the same doorknobs from his childhood TN home. :)

lovely Ms. C got us out for some forest bathing. it was a nice experience to hike at our own pace and discuss our own concerns. thanks to R for watching E for the day.
gorgeous Rainier behind us!
paragliders hiked up (with their huge packs) instead of getting a ride although it was a pretty steep hike. one said he wanted to earn it. they rode the wind currents for a long time. one woman we saw at the top, landed when we arrived at the bottom, an hour later.
ward friend and running buddy Ms. E.
ward potluck had some yummy mac and cheese and PB/chocolate rice krispies.
L's 7th bday party. very creative parents. here was the volcano game. kids ran to get the treasure, trying to avoid the streamers and balloons.
I've never packed for a trip so far in advance. usually its the night before and packing all sorts of extras just in case. We're excited for London! traveling with nothing more than carry-ons is part of the adventure/challenge. going to try the Rock deodorant.