Tuesday, May 26, 2015

camping concluded

 R definitely had a cold, so while he took a nap, we explored the Ladder Creek Falls and Rock Gardens with Ms. A.

taking a break from the rest of the group, we winded through the Trail of the Cedars.

E took our photo.

the history of this town includes lots of logging.

we had no shortage of fine food on this trip. 
E and E completing the activities to earn their junior ranger badge.  wow. hot ticket item.

taking an oath to continue learning and protect the land.

proud of those gold badges. and little Mr. S.

Newhalem in the North Cascades

we went camping with the pre-K class.  it was great.  e riding his bike with friends.

running on the boardwalk, in a race with daddy.

a potluck the first night.

E ringing the big brass bell of Old Number Six, a restored steam engine.

another nice campsite.  we were a little worried when we drove up wondering where the tent was going to go.  it turned out there was a nice spot a little bit receded. for extra privacy.
hiking to Ross Dam/lake

weather was great.  sleeping warm!  but we never did have a clear blue sky view of those glacier topped peaks.

nice to get to know the O and R families better.  good people.

little Ms. A took our family photo.
here we have Ms A's momma's versions: 


picnic before heading up the hill.

Diablo Lake. brilliant turquoise waters from glacier runoff.
E is such a good trooper leading the hike. no complaints. (well very few after it was established mommy was not going to carry him)

getting out

we had a lot of fun checking out the commute home (new route for us) to Ms. C's house.  past the Korean pagoda and through the I-90 bridge tunnel. 

E loves B.

Ms. C has wonderful new rain gardens.
summer soirée

we shared our ravioli's the Rob made and they shared their pork, kale homemade raviolis.  both were delicious.

another ornate little tree in the S. garden.

Bike month

a large portion of May had revolved around biking.  the everyday commute, extra weekend rides and also extra weeknight rides.  May is Bike Month here in Seattle.
CASCADE breakfast fundraiser.  its neat to be part of the cool crowd who can fill 80+ tables in the Sheraton banquet room.

our first ride home this season with Ms. C. so, the lower bridge had a technical malfunction.  We made the right choice to turn around and get on a bus going over the high bridge, then get off (after just one stop) to continue our ride.

work breakfast breaks

Saturday rides. this one was so great.  18.3 miles, a complete loop up the Green River and down the Interurban.  of course we stopped for delicious lunch near the end.

oh yeah, a Mother's Day brunch thrown in there (no bikes at this one).  e and i love the nautical themes at the Chelan cafe.

dinner with friends & silent auction

early May we met up with the J family.  they are really nice and P & E get along well.  It is fun to get to know good people.

also fun to try new salads.  yes, it has a bit of salami, but i liked it!  recreated it at home & it was good there also.

Hoorah that the silent auction fundraiser is over.  it was a team of mostly me...  anyway. it's over, phew.

glad that E likes his school.  this is the late parent pick up crowd.  gathered around Ms. K reading a story.

May Day

I had the day off work due to daycare closure, so we enjoyed ourselves.  spent some time visiting with our California friends and meeting their new sweet little guy. smelling lilac in S's backyard.

we went swimming! and then sweet Ms. F offered to watch the boys so the parents could go out for a few hours.  We got sushi and ice cream.  what fun.