Wednesday, December 4, 2013

to keep myself motivated

for the sake of accuracy:
  • E had ridden more bike miles than on this graph - with his dad.  recorded here are only the miles I rode with him on my bike.
  • the dip (Nov and Dec 2012) was my first winter commuting. we had a break-in to our garage and also I was wimpy.
  • I started riding in summer of 2011, but only a little bit- at most was once a week and didn't record those miles.
  • the dip July 2013 was a broken ankle.
  • goal is for no dip this winter.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

nearly Dec and still good weather

 Sing-a-long at Ely's school

 South entrance to the Great Northern (train)Tunnel

 yes, its my obsession. not my young son's.  doesn't everyone wonder where the trains go?  They go under the city for one mile!

 North entrance to the train tunnel


 Carrie, Carol, Emily, Hong, Jackie, Jenny, Evercita

 memorial service for work friend Monica

 growing oyster mushrooms

 e watering the mushrooms

 eating the mushrooms!  delish.

 our lovely friends invited us for Thanksgiving.

 Mrs. S made awesome pumpkin rolls

 trip to the zoo (thanks Nana!) we saw a peacock

 still using the ergo now and then (thanks Brooke!)


 midair jumping in the boat

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Nov rides

  on the ferry to Bremerton

 a windy blustery day

 the Glass museum in Tacoma with our friends

 family ride

 we love the cake pop love

 E holding a baby bunny

 on rides life slows down and you can stop to watch a fisherman

 you can see airplane bodies being transported by train.

 our lovely friend J introduced us to this trail.  our new favorite.  she calls it busytown there in the interbay neighborhood.  buses, trains, airplanes, bridges, boats!

  I love it when he carries the boy

 the grainery

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Fall pics of you know who

 the seasonal change of clothes. going thru all the hand-me-downs.  love it!

  e has a wonderful baker friend who spoils him with cake pops.

 steamed buns with red bean paste :)  so fun!

 E is a good helper with all my baking cooking endeavors

 holiday ride with our friend J.

 We rode around the Burke Gilman trail on the north side of Lake Washington

 E keeps me company while I work at my messy desk.

 Carrots from the garden are so sweet!  (and lots of green tomatoes)

 more cake pop love.

 E is a good helper spooning the rub on our pork roast.

 Welcome to new baby Q!


 E & L had fun trick-or-treating together.

 Rob's fine carvings.

 more cake pop love.