Tuesday, May 22, 2012

admitted students weekend

duck boat tour with future business school classmates

DUKW boats are amphibious trucks

Gas Works Park & UW

Golden Gardens Park

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

maritime festival

fire boat

so many different kinds of boats. instructor boat, little cruise ship, ferry, cargo boat and tugs

helicopter rescue

workboat parade

next project -leveling the lawn

buzz buzz

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

love weekends

r designed and managed this project at a local large computer software company. installed 17 miles of lighted fitness trails.

lovely azaleas mom planted last year. so pretty.

e is very helpful and LOVES to be "outside!". here and next wearing "hands".

not sure

grateful for Jason's help fixing the car at the end of a long week.

we learned that Jo has lymphoma. she takes after me, loving the sun.