Monday, January 16, 2012

some Jan pics

pretty pink flowers are such a nice surprise in the winter

a bit of snow over MLK weekend

Sunday, January 1, 2012

hike #3 with new group

Jo is recovering from surgery, so its just me and E this time.
We went to Far Country Falls again. only 2.5 miles, but nice :)

more Christmas fun

so nice to have the Clarks nearby for lots of fun times

more pantry discovering

good friends: Michael, Tyler, Jordan, and Ella



follow the leader with Grandpa

again!  E likes the slide

so fun, but missing the Balls :(

at the cabin

watching the sledders

family on Christmas

Grandma has made socks for everyone

Michael and Jordan got a beta fish

what a good looking couple :)

we love our brother Chad.  missed his family this year.  thinking of them!!!
Grandma's pantry was the place to play!

Beth and Ely are just 3 months apart. they will be good friends.

dancing with Grandma

hanging out in the pantry is not just for little kiddos.
Grandpa led us in some Christmas carols. so nice to spend time with the Aramaki family.

Christmas Eve

Grandpa, Grandma, Ruth, Jordan, Tyler, and Michael

E and Tessa checking out Grandpa's fire

shepherd family and angels in the nativity

Mom made everyone a costume

Grandmother was the only audience member

the Clark wisemen came from afar